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We are the platform for raising education funds in South Africa

As a School-Days member, each time you transact and engage with our Partners you can earn and win Education Time Points (ETPs) that may then be used to pay for school, college or university fees (1 ETP = R1). You can also donate your ETPs to a local school, another member or an education cause.

Join today (it’s free) and get started.

Choose your Beneficiary

Your School-Days beneficiary will receive the Education Time Points (ETPs) you earn and accumulate, below are your options:

Your Family

Earn and accumulate ETPs to pay for your own family’s education fees. You can also purchase ETPs for future education with Plan to Pay.

Your School

Support your school by donating the ETPs you earn. You can support any school, college or university in South Africa.

Education Cause

Donate the ETPs you’ve raised to support a worthy education cause.

Getting Started


It's easy to join School-Days online.

Add Beneficiary

You can choose to earn ETPs for your family or donate them to support your school, college or university or an education cause.

Learn More

Accumulate ETPs

Buy, earn or win ETPs when you spend and engage with our Partners and Plan to Pay.

View Partners


Log in to your profile to track your School-Days balance and find our Partners.

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